Board Members

Left to right: District 1 - Mark Koenig, District 3 - Cory Seehausen, District 2 - Kevin Kokesch, District 5 - Phil Smith, and District 4 - Brad Nere.
SWCD Supervisors serve four year terms and meet monthly, discussing the business of the SWCD, distributing state grant allocations to landowners, setting conservation priorities and coordinating conservation efforts with other local units of government and state agencies. SWCD Supervisors are not paid a salary; however, they do receive compensation for attending meetings and are reimbursed for expenses.
Nomination Districts: Following the 2012 General Election, the Renville County SWCD Board of Supervisors began reviewing options for updating & clarifying Nomination Districts for SWCD Supervisor Elections. Following the guidelines in statute, they eventually passed a Resolution which was then approved by the Board of Water & Soil Resources and filed with the Renville County Auditor/Treasurer. Beginning with the 2014 General Election, and continuing until changed by the Board of Supervisors and approved by BWSR, the Nomination Districts will follow the County Commissioner Districts and will change along with County Commissioner District changes as determined by the County Board after each census.
2024 Committee Assignments.pdf